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Rev. biol. trop ; 69(3)sept. 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387671


Abstract Introduction: Although wildlife crossing structures have proven successful at reducing wildlife-vehicle collisions and linking fragmented habitat, their ability to prevent electrocutions of arboreal wildlife has not been closely examined. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of aerial rope bridges in restoring habitat connectivity for arboreal species in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica, while preventing electrocutions by determining 1) what species are using the rope bridges and 2) whether wildlife prefer to use rope bridges instead of other hazardous structures that cross the roads (such as telephone cables, which are often in close proximity to electric wires). Methods: From January to May 2016, nine rope bridges along the highly-trafficked main road that extends from Quepos to Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica, were monitored using camera traps, and ten rope bridges were observed directly along a paved side road off the main road. Results: A total of 11 species were seen using the bridges, and 1 540 crossings were witnessed via camera traps and observations (1 234 via camera traps, 306 during observations). Results from a paired t-test showed no significant difference in the average number of individuals crossing the road via rope bridges versus telephone cables (t(8) = 1.027, P = 0.334). Conclusions: Rope bridges are used by a variety of arboreal wildlife species with a high degree of frequency; however, due to the equally high usage of telephone cables by arboreal wildlife, they are insufficient to prevent wildlife electrocutions on their own. Rope bridges should be installed in tandem with other methods to prevent electrocutions, such as insulating electric wires, to facilitate the safe passage of wildlife over roads.

Resumen Introducción: Aunque los pasos de fauna han demostrado ser exitosos para reducir las colisiones entre vehículos y vida silvestre y vincular el hábitat fragmentado, su capacidad para prevenir electrocuciones de la vida silvestre arbórea no se ha examinado a fondo. Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad de los puentes aéreos de cuerdas para restaurar la conectividad del hábitat de las especies arbóreas en Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica y al mismo tiempo prevenir las electrocuciones al determinar 1) qué especies están usando los puentes de cuerda y 2) si la vida silvestre prefiere usar puentes de cuerda en lugar de otras estructuras peligrosas que cruzan las carreteras (como cables telefónicos, que frecuentemente están muy cerca de cables eléctricos). Métodos: De enero a mayo de 2016, se monitorearon nueve puentes de cuerda a lo largo de la carretera principal altamente transitada que se extiende desde Quepos a Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica, utilizando cámaras trampa y la observación directa en diez puentes de cuerda a lo largo de una carretera pavimentada más pequeña fuera de la carretera principal. Resultados: Se observaron un total de 11 especies utilizando los puentes y se presenciaron 1 540 cruces mediante cámaras trampa y observaciones (1 234 mediante cámaras trampa, 306 durante las observaciones). Los resultados de una prueba t pareada no mostraron diferencias significativas en el número promedio de individuos que cruzan la carretera a través de puentes de cuerda versus cables telefónicos, t (8) = 1.027, P = 0.334. Conclusiones: Los puentes de cuerdas son utilizados por una variedad de especies de vida silvestre arbóreas con un alto grado de frecuencia; sin embargo, debido al uso igualmente elevado de cables telefónicos por parte de la vida silvestre arbórea, se considera que son insuficientes para prevenir las electrocuciones de la vida silvestre por sí solas. Los puentes de cuerda deben instalarse junto con otros métodos para evitar electrocuciones, como cables eléctricos aislados, para facilitar el paso seguro de la vida silvestre por las carreteras.

Animais , Comportamento Animal , Edificação em Ponte , Animais , Costa Rica , Aerovia
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-8


Endotracheal intubation is usually the preferred technique of securing a compromised airway. In prolonged intubation, a tracheostomy is usually created to avoid complications of prolonged ventilation. However, the condition of the patient or the disease itself sometimes does not permit this conversion. Therefore keeping the tube in situ for prolonged durations may be needed. We report the case of a 62-year-old Malay man with recurrent papillary carcinoma of thyroid involving the trachea that was managed with the use of nasotracheal intubation for stenting the airway.

Aerovia , Intubação , Nariz , Traqueia , Stents